One million images now accessible
A new batch of sortie plot finding aids has been released and is now accessible on the NCAP website. These sortie plots record the coverage of 501 aerial reconnaissance missions flown throughout western Europe, from Gibraltar to Norway, during the Second World War.
NCAP holds over 7 million catalogued aerial photographs of western Europe and Scotland in its care. With this latest release, over 1,058,000 of these photographs are now accessible through the NCAP website. More finding aids will be digitised and released in March 2015.
With a Zoomable Images & Finding Aids subscription, these sortie plots can be zoomed and panned, allowing subscribers to locate and identify undigitised aerial photographs of their areas of interest. Copies of these photographs can then be ordered for further study, from as little as £3.50.
To see what has been made available so far, Browse by Map to your area of interest and click on 'See finding aids in this area'.
4 February 2015